We adhere to the Southern Baptist Convention’s Baptist Faith & Message 2000 ( PDF version here )
We believe in one God, the creator, and sustainer of all things, who exists eternally in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. These three are one, but distinct in person and function.
The Bible is God’s inspired Word without error in the original writings. It is our primary guide for living and the supreme source of truth. In it God reveals Himself, His purposes, and His ways. The miracles of the Bible are literal in their description, revealing the awesomeness of the Almighty. These include the seven literal days of creation, the world wide flood, the virgin birth of Christ, and His physical bodily resurrection from the dead.
God pursues a continuing love relationship with us that is real and personal. God freely offers us eternal life as a gift of grace. Man is sinful and separated from God. Jesus Christ is God’s only provision for man’s sin. Because of love, Jesus paid the death penalty for our sins.
We trust wholly in the sovereign grace of God in and over all things.
Under Christ and His Word the congregation is the final authority in church governance with a Council of Elders who oversee and teach the people. We practice and teach believer’s baptism (by immersion).
We are committed to pursue all the fullness of God with use of His spiritual gifts in the life of the church.
We value our relationships in our life together. We want to find authentic and practical ways to love each other in order to build friendships and strengthen our faith. God is greatly glorified when love for one another runs high.
Spiritual Atmosphere
We also value Northside’s spiritual atmosphere. Because we believe that right thinking fosters right living, we want to emphasize individual and corporate Bible study and prayer. We desire teachable hearts that are captivated by the things of God.
The World Outside
In order to be mindful of the larger Christian movement and the world outside Northside, we pursue things like global missions, racial harmony, and global compassion.
Corporate Worship
Our corporate worship gatherings are a vital way we magnify the supremacy of Christ, and so we want both our hearts and our minds to be engaged.